
A full-stack web application with a Python backend. An accompanying timeseries database provides real-time application metrics and KPI dashboard.

Project Goals link icon

This project was created in order to gain further experience developing and deploying a decent sized production-grade web application written in Python. I wanted to create something much larger than a “to-do list” style app, which would be challenging enough to keep me interested in its development.

In addition to the RateMyDerp app itself, a realtime dashboard – powered by the InfluxDB timeseries database – displays live application metrics and KPIs.

LinkedInTable of Contents

Technical Features link icon

RateMyDerp is a full stack Python web application. There are a few moving parts to it, so here is an overview of the technologies used and decisions made during its development.

Backend link icon

Written in Python using the Django web framework, the backend features –

Frontend link icon

In addition to Django template language & HTML, the presentation layer is made up of –

Monitoring & Dashboarding link icon

To simulate maintenance of a real production environment, a deployment of InfluxDB open source timeseries database from InfluxData was provisioned on a separate VM.

The application metrics dashboard for RateMyDerp

The application uses the Python plugin for InfluxDB to report key statistics to the dashboard periodically. The data is transformed into useful metrics and KPIs with the Flux query language.

The deployment system itself is monitored on its own dashboard. The system dashboard measures server health metrics such as database load, memory usage, network traffic and processes running on the server.

Deployment link icon

While docker was used during the development of RateMyDerp, the actual deployment resides on a dedicated (containerless) VM.

The deployment environment consists of –

This was an excellent opportunity to get more familiar with creating custom systemd service units which run Python applications, since there are a total of three of them in the deployment.

\ Huh? No Docker?

A lower level deployment was the optimal choice to gain deeper understanding of Linux as a deployment target.

I was concerned I’d miss out on some learning if deployment simply consisted of pulling up half a dozen container services with a docker-compose command (grin).

Application Logic link icon

Functionally, RateMyDerp is an homage to the “Rating Sites” of the early 2000’s (HotOrNot, RateMyFace, etc.).

Users rate derpy photos of pet animals.

This concept was popular back before social media – when we actually had to go looking for, and perhaps even work a little bit for – entertaining images on the internet. They weren’t just fed to us on the daily!

Rating link icon

The premise is straightforward –

  1. A visitor lands on the main app view and is shown a random image of a creature from the database. They are asked to vote for its “derpiness” on a scale of 1-10
  2. The user is rewarded for their vote with a new fresh image from the database
  3. If the user doesn’t cast a vote, they don’t get to see the next image

Users link icon

In addition to basic authorisation requirements, user accounts feature a public profile and numerous settings for the app. All of the submissions a user has contributed appear on their profile, as well as some statistics about the number of ratings they’ve cast, how long they’ve been a member for, etc.

\ Anonymous Ratings

Of course, anonymous visitors can cast rating votes, too. It wouldn’t be great if users had to register an account just to cast some ratings and see derpy creatures.

Anonymous ratings are kept track of in the app by browser session IDs.

Submissions link icon

Registered users can submit their own photos to appear in the system. Images are cropped square, compressed and resized to an optimal jpeg format.

Statistics link icon

Stats like average rating, ranking (in terms of place compared to other objects in the database) and virility (number of shares, ratings, views, etc) are kept track of for each submission.

Some of these are calculated periodically in an asynchronous celery task, since they require combing through each object in the database (eg: ranking).