Development blog

My latest articles and musings related to development

Low Latency C++ for HFT - Part 3 - Network Programming

Low-latency TCP and UDP networking with Unix sockets

This third third part of the low-latency C++ series is all about network programming! In this article, I put together some utilities for working with TCP and UDP networking sockets in Unix. A high speed non-blocking TCP server module as well as utilities for working with UDP multicast are built.

C++ Networking Sockets Low Latency

Low Latency C++ for HFT - Part 2 - Building Blocks

Building some core modules needed for low-latency systems programming

The second part in a series documenting my learning adventure while developing a low-latency high frequency trading (HFT) application in C++.

In this part, I begin writing some code and developing some of the initial building blocks needed for the HFT system.

C++ Low Latency HFT Finance Multithreading

Low Latency C++ for HFT - Part 1 - Introduction

The first in a series documenting my learnings while developing a low-latency, performant C++ application for High Frequency Trading

This series will be documenting my learning adventures as I delve deep into the world of ultra low-latency, high performance C++. Along the way, I’ll be building a High Frequency Trading (HFT) system from scratch.

While much of this information will be specific to HFT, it can apply to any system which demands deterministic low latency, or operates within tight resource constraints (eg: embedded systems).

C++ Low Latency HFT Finance Compiler Optimization

Deploying RateMyDerp to Production

Deploying a production-grade Django/Python web application on Linux

This article details the deployment of a production-grade Django/Python web application to a “bare metal” Linux VM.

To gain the most experience possible, we are not using a PaaS or docker-based deployment. Instead, we will spin up an Ubuntu virtual machine and configure everything, including postgres database, redis and any required systemd service units that manage the services needed to run the application.

Python Django Linux systemd